1.7.1 - Ensure MoTD is configured properly#

If a message of the day is not needed, run rm /etc/motd.

1.7.2 - 1.7.4 - Ensure permissions on motd files are configured#

Set the permissions on /etc/issue.net, /etc/issue, and /etc/motd (if it exists) by running:

chown root:root /etc/issue.net
chmod u-x,go-wx /etc/issue.net
chown root:root /etc/issue
chmod u-x,go-wx /etc/issue
chown root:root /etc/motd
chmod u-x,go-wx /etc/motd

1.7.5 - 1.7.6 - Ensure warning banners are configured properly#

Edit /etc/issue.net (remote login warning) or /etc/issue (local login warning) to fit with README instructions if necessary.